Be careful to differentiate between food rebalancing and diet!
The majority of “miracle” diets (mono diets, diets dissociated or high protein) are very restrictive, dangerous for your health and doomed to failure.
The latest studies show that 90% of people who have lost weight regain 90% of that weight within two years.
Setting a restrictive dietary framework is perceived as an attack by your body, which goes into storage mode to protect itself from possible future famine. It resists the weight loss and stores up everything he can.
What should you eat then?
There are no good and bad foods. It’s better to eat everything in a reasonable way, limiting high-calorie products but allowing yourself a few pleasures from time to time.
How to eat?
Take your time and stop eating as soon as you feel full. This means that you have to listen to your body and not take more than it needs. So, you will reduce the quantities (and calories) in your meals without realizing it!
Eat healthy snacks, including fruit, to avoid sweets.
Favor fresh fruit! Their richness in water allows you to have better satiety. Choose a seasonal fruit, it will have more flavor and bring you more pleasure!
Stock up on vegetables rich in fiber, to choose according to the season (cabbage, leeks, salads, endives, salsify, green beans). Squash should be favored for its satiety.
Vary lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal) and lean fish. Their richness in protein allows you to be satisfied and have a complete meal.
Remember to season your dishes with herbs and spices to maintain the pleasure of eating.
Make your own homemade sauces!
Finally, eat a variety of foods and choose seasonal products to have more taste on your plate.